Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unexpected Blessing

Ok guys...I've been auditioning like crazy and one thing I've learned it is hard being a new actor in this business. You are always last in line because you have not earned your equity card yet and those who have are always seen. Sometimes or even half of the time non-equity will not be seen due to time limits. I have to admit it can be really discouraging at times, but if you believe in GOD like I do, as soon as you feel like giving up he steps in. Two weeks ago I had been to five auditions in only were seen for two. I also dropped my phone on the subway...the pits..I had, HAD IT!I just begin to cry and with the help of my family,friends, boyfriend and kind words from strangers, I made up in my mind I would not give up. The next week the first audition went great and I received an email from my former play RainDogs. The play that showcased in the Hamptons is coming to Manhattan in March. Right around the corner I know #GetExcited. GOD works even when we think he's forgotten.
In other news today is a very special day! Today is my boyfriend's birthday!!! I know I'm mushy but I had to give him a shout out he supports me in everything I do...soooo Happy Birthday Kevin I love you!!!

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